Let's Have Fun!

Marina Children's Center is a play-based preschool located in San Francisco's Cow Hollow

Hours: M - F 8am-6pm

3219A Laguna Street
San Francisco, CA

Ph: 415-931-0833




Loving and Caring.

We value our relationship with each family at Marina Children's Center (MCC). Your involvement as parents with MCC teachers is key to the success of our child care partnership. Trust and respect between the caretakers and each child is essential to each child's growth and development.

We offer a number of services that we hope will be beneficial to you as parents and support your family relationship. They include:

  • A quarterly newsletter which highlights information about the upcoming months curriculum as well as interesting articles and web sites.
  • A printed copy of the monthly curriculum calendar so you may discuss the activities with your child before and after school.
  • A service which we call Parent Night Out. For a minimal fee per child, this designated evening of childcare provides an opportunity for parents to connect with each other, see adult friends, schedule appointments, etc. The child's dinner is provided.
  • Semi-annual conferences to discuss your child's progress and upcoming developmental needs. We are also available for any additional conferences that you or we deem necessary throughout the year to ensure that your child is receiving all of the support and assistance necessary to be successful.