Curriculum |
Teachers |
Does the program account for age differences? |
Are teachers experienced? |
Are activities based on developmental theories? |
Do teachers have a background in early childhood
development? |
What is the staff to children ratio? |
Are teachers comfortable speaking to children at their
level? |
Can parents participate and become involved? |
Do teachers spend equal time with all children? |
Does the program incorporate educational field trips? |
Are teachers attentive to all children during busy times? |
Is there a sense of enjoyment shared among teachers and
children? |
How do teachers address inappropriate behavior? |
How are issues addressed? |
Are children greeted when they arrive? |
Setting |
General |
Do facilities meet current building standards? |
Is the program licensed? |
Are all areas safe from hazards? |
What safeguards and policies are used to protect children? |
Does the atmosphere seem energetic? |
Can other parents be contacted for references? |
Are areas created for specific activities? |
Is there an activity list? |
Is there enough learning materials and toys? |
Are surprise parent visits encouraged? |
Does the size of furniture match the size of children? |
Will your child achieve a sense of accomplishment and be better
prepared for future challenges? |